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Version: 4.x

Open form

The open form operator creates an action that opens the specified form.

Form selection

In addition to explicitly specifying the form to be opened, the platform also allows to open the list/edit form for objects of the specified class. In this case, you only need to specify the corresponding option and specify the custom class whose list/edit form needs to be opened instead of a form.

View type

When a form is opened, the view type which will be used to display the form needs to be specified:

Passing objects

When you open a form, you can pass a value for each of its objects from the calling context, which will be used as follows depending on the view:

  • In interactive view: the passed value is set as the current object.
  • In a static view: an additional filter will be set so that the object must be equal to the passed value.

By default, all passed values of objects must be defined (not NULL); otherwise the action will not be executed and will simply transfer control to the next action. However, in the interactive view, the developer can change this behavior using the corresponding option (that is, allowing NULL values). In this case (as in the case when no object is passed at all), the default object will be selected as the current object.


It is worth noting that passing objects in the interactive view is basically the same as the object seek operation after the form is opened. In this case, the passed objects are the seek objects, and the seek direction is determined by the default object type (PREV here is equivalent to FIRST).