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Version: 6.x

In a structured view (EXPORT, IMPORT)

This operator creates an action that opens a form in the structured view.


In this operator, you can define the format that all form data will be converted to: XML, JSON, DBF, CSV, XLS. The generated file(s) in this format is then written to the specified property.

Form export is a general case of the data export operator.

Form import

Form import is an operation that is opposite to opening the form in a structured view. The import operator accepts files in a structured format, then parses them and saves the data to the properties of the set form in such a way that when this form is exported back into the imported format, it would recreate the original file.

Since the import operator is essentially an "input operator", the following constraints apply to the form being imported:

  • All form objects must belong to numeric or concrete user classes. Object groups must consist of exactly one object (this constraint is caused by the fact that all the used formats are essentially lists — that is, mappings of numbers to values).

  • Properties and filters on the form should be changeable by a given value (that is, as a rule, be primary). Before importing, any existing changes to the imported properties in the current session are canceled.

During import, filters change to the default values of value classes of these filters.

When importing data into objects of numeric classes, 0-based numbering is used. In case of hierarchical formats, numbering is "end-to-end" (that is, when the object group being imported is encountered for the second and subsequent times, object numbering in it starts from the position that the previous one stopped at).

When importing from XLS and CSV without headers (with the NOHEADER option), the platform automatically attempts to convert data to the necessary type. If it fails, a NULL value is written to the property. Importing from other formats requires correct types. For example, if a string is required during data import from JSON, and the JSON file contains a number (without quotes), the platform will generate an error.

If a property (object group) is not found during import, it is ignored (that is, its value remains equal to NULL).

Form import is a general case of the data import operator.


To open the form in the structured view, use the EXPORT operator. To import a form, use the IMPORT operator.


FORM exportSku
OBJECTS st = Store

PROPERTIES(s) id, name, weight
FILTERS in(st, s)

exportSku (Store store) {
// uploading to DBF all Sku for which in (Store, Sku) is specified for the desired warehouse
EXPORT exportSku OBJECTS st = store DBF CHARSET 'CP866';
EXPORT exportSku XML;
EXPORT exportSku OBJECTS st = store CSV ',';

price = DATA NUMERIC[14,2] (INTEGER);
FORM import
OBJECTS o = INTEGER // orders
OBJECTS od = INTEGER // order lines
PROPERTIES (o) dateOrder = date // importing the date from the dateOrder field
PROPERTIES (od) sku = sku, price = price // importing product quantity from sku and price fields
FILTERS order(od) = o // writing the top order to order


importForm() {
SHOW import; // showing what was imported

// creating objects in the database
FOR DATE date = date(INTEGER io) NEW o = Order DO {
date(o) <- date;
FOR order(INTEGER iod) = io NEW od = OrderDetail DO {
price(od) <- price(iod);
sku(od) <- GROUP MAX Sku sku IF name(sku) = sku(iod); // finding sku with this name