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Version: 6.x

IF ... THEN operator

The IF ... THEN operator creates an action that implements branching with one condition (single form).


IF condition 
THEN action
[ELSE alternativeAction]


The IF ... THEN operator creates an action that implements branching with one condition. When this action is executed, the condition is checked and, if the condition is met, the action specified after the keyword THEN is called. There is also the option of specifying an alternative action with the keyword ELSE, which is called if the condition is not met.


  • condition

    Expression defining a condition. If the value of the expression does not equal NULL, then the condition is met and the action specified after the keyword THEN is called.

  • action

    Context-dependent operator that describes the action that will be executed when the corresponding condition is met.

  • alternativeAction

    Context-dependent operator that describes an action that will be executed if the condition is not met.


// Action that compares the value of the count property to 3 and displays a message to the user
moreThan3(obj) {
IF count(obj) > 3 THEN
MESSAGE '<=3';

checkNullName (Store st) {
IF NOT name(st) THEN
MESSAGE 'Name is null';